Compliance Assistant User Guide


Welcome to the KAiM Systems Compliance Assistant! This guide will walk you through how to effectively use our compliance chatbot to get information about different compliance standards such as NIST 800.53, COBIT, SOX, and GDPR.

Getting Started


Access the Compliance Assistant

Navigate to the Compliance Assistant page from the navigation menu.


Select a Primary Standard

From the dropdown menu labeled "Primary Standard," select the compliance standard you're most interested in:

  • NIST 800.53 - Security and privacy controls for federal information systems
  • COBIT - Framework for IT governance and management
  • SOX - Sarbanes-Oxley Act for financial practice and corporate governance
  • GDPR - EU regulation on data protection and privacy

Select an Optional Secondary Standard

If you'd like to explore relationships between two standards, you can select a secondary standard. This is optional, and you can leave it as "None" if you're only interested in a single standard.

Note: You cannot select the same standard for both primary and secondary selections.

Ask a Question

Type your compliance-related question in the text area. For example:

  • "What are the key components of NIST 800.53?"
  • "How does COBIT relate to SOX compliance?"
  • "What are the main requirements for GDPR?"

Then click the send button or press Enter to submit your question.

Interacting with the Assistant


Review Responses

The assistant will provide information about the standard(s) you selected, including:

  • A brief description of the standard
  • Specific information related to your question
  • If you selected a secondary standard, comparisons or relationships between the two standards

Provide Feedback

After each response, you'll be prompted to rate the helpfulness of the answer on a scale of 1-5 stars. Your feedback helps us improve the quality of responses.


Continue the Conversation

You can continue asking questions, and your chat history will be preserved during your session. The assistant will remember which standards you're discussing.

Tips for Effective Use

Get Started Now

Ready to explore compliance standards? Head to the Compliance Assistant and start your conversation!

Go to Compliance Assistant